Parents and Guardians - The Indiana Department of Education requires everyone in the state of Indiana to provide proof of residency that they live where they say they live. This proof must be provided as a scanned form or photo of a mailed item to the residency. This document can be a utility bill, cell phone bill, bank statement, tax return, mortgage statement, rental/lease agreement, medical bill or similar information that provides a verifiable address.
**Documentation should be dated within 60 days of submitting this item, and the date should be clearly identified and readable on the copy on file for the student.**
Failure to provide this document will result in the student being removed from the school. You may submit your documentation by either filling out the online form (click the more info tab below) or you may email a copy to or bring a copy into the school.
Please contact the school if you have any questions.
How to Request Final HS Transcripts and Transfer Dual Credits
Please use this link to learn how to request your final high school transcripts and how to transfer dual credits.
Castle Senior Scholarship Fund Information
The Castle Senior Scholarship Fund application is now live! Seniors can access the application in the Class of 2025 Google Classroom.
Friday, March 14th at 3PM
Incoming Freshman Parent Night
Class of 2029 - If you are a parent of an incoming freshmen, you are invited to the parent meeting in the cafeteria from 6-7. The counselors will be discussing the